Registrations & Renewals

If you are a teacher/school official and will be nominating students, please ensure you read the "Nominations" instructions below, and then select the relevant 'Sport' tile below. 

New Student Nominations for the Year

The following process is applicable for all Individual Nominations and for some Association Team Nominations. If you are unsure of the process for Association Team Nominations, please contact your Association Delegate. 

  1. While registering/renewing yourself you will be given the opportunity to register a new team.
    This 'team' is a list of ALL of your students that are being nominated for that sport this year. You should name this team after your school.  
  2. Once you have created a team you will be able to invite others to join.
    This includes students you are nominating AND other teachers/staff that you would like to help manage nominations for that sport.
  3. Input their name, email address and select which NSW CIS team they are nominating for. 
    If you are nominating students for different teams within the same sport (e.g. U15 boys and U18 girls) you should invite them to join your School Team. 
  4. The parent/student will receive an email asking them to complete the required details. 
  5. You will receive a link to manage this team where you can:
    • Check which students have completed their details
    • Remind students to complete their details
    • Edit student details
    • Add other students
    • Email students 


Already registered/renewed and just want to manage your teams? Click here.