
CIS Primary Boys and Girls Touch Football Nominations Close
Fri 28 May 2021 00:00 — 23:00

Event information

This event has passed.

Nomination Eligibility: 

Open Primary - Years 4, 5 & 6; 

N.B. 9 and 13 Year olds are eligible for selection in the CIS Team to compete at the PSSA Championships, however are ineligible for selection in the PSSA Team; 

Method of Nomination:

Individual Nominations - Students nominated by their School;  

As a guideline a maximum of 3 nominations per school.  Should a school beleive they have more than three students of the required standard, the convenor must be contacted prior to nomination for approval.

Refer to Teachers & Officials Hub for Nomination Instructions.

CIS Nomination Guidelines - General: 

1.    CIS does not accept Late Nominations;
2.    Nominations will only be accepted online from NSWCISSC Member Schools or Member Associations;
3.    Once a student has been registered with CIS any subsequent sport Nomination will be a renewal rather than a registration;
4.    A sport nomination fee of $25.66 will be charged for all sports in 2021 with the exception of triathlon. The per nomination fee will be charged via the Sports Association and school, at the end of each term.
5.   At the time of nomination, permission has been obtained from  the student/s' school principal for the student to attend the trial;

Parent/Guardian please note:

If your son/daughter has been nominated to attend a CIS Trial you will recieve an email with a link enabling you to complete the registration process or in the case of a student that has already registered to the system, a renewal in another sport.

Refer to Students & Parents Hub for Registration/Renewal Instructions.