CIS Primary Girls Cricket Nominations Close
Wed 07 Aug 2019 00:00 — 23:30
Event information
This event has passed.
Nomination Eligibility:
8 - 13 Years as of December 31 2019 . Students turning 13 in the Year of competition may compete for CIS at PSSA but cannot be selected in a State PSSA Team
Nominated By: School
Method Nomination:
Individual Nominations submitted by schools online to CIS.
Please ensure that student information is entered correctly, particularly the spelling of their name and date of birth.
General Nomination Information
1. CIS does not accept Late Nominations.
2. Nominations will only be accepted online from NSWCISSC Member Schools or Member Associations
3. Once a student has been registered with CIS any subsequent sport Nomination will be a renewal rather than a registration.
4. As a nominating teacher or association please ensure the students name, and date of birth have been entered correctly and the Parent/Guardian email is correct and frequently used. The system will send an email to the parent to enable them to complete the registration /renewal process.
5. A sport nomination fee of $25.03 will be charged. The per nomination fee will be charged via the Sports Association and school, at the end of each term.
Please consider the students age standard when nominating as this is currently an open age team
Students who withdraw from the trial will still be charged the nomination fee unless CIS or the Girls Cricket Convener have been contacted prior to the trial.
Parent / Guardians please note:
If you daughter has been nominated to attend a CIS trial you will receive an email with a link enabling you to complete the registration process or in the case of a student that has already registered to the system, a renewal in another sport.
If you have not received an email and you believe your daughter should have been nominated, please take the following steps prior to the close of nominations.
i) Check your junk email.
ii) Contact the Head of Sport at your daughter’s school.
This should be done prior to nominations closing. Failure to amend/complete your daughter’s details by Close of Nominations may result in them not being permitted to trial. CIS DOES NOT ACCEPT LATE NOMINATIONS.
Individual Sports
Teacher registering Individual Students to a CIS Sport
1. There is noi limit on the number of girls who can be nominated by a school for these trials can be nominated . In exceptional circumstances a request can be forwarded to the CIS Sport Convenor requesting approval for an additional nomination.
2. As the nominating teacher please ensure both your contact details are correct and the following student nominee details are correct – Name / Date of Birth / School/Sport Association and parents email are correct. You will also be asked to indicate preferred playing positions of the student.
3. The system will email the parent with a link enabling them to go online and amend/ complete their child’s details.
4. Failure to amend/ complete a nominated child’s details by Close of Nominations may result in the student not being permitted to trial.
5. Permission has been obtained from both the student/s' school principal and parent / guardian for the student to attend the trial.